Wprowadź nazwę domeny, którą chcesz pre-rejestrować, wybierz rozszerzenie i kliknij przycisk szukaj

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Proszę wybrać zakładkę

Dane konta

Login is required.
Password is required.


Optional information. Please enter your message to our support department. Do not use the characters "<", ">".


Polityka prywatności

Nowe informacje konta

Required field. Username must be between 10 and 15 characters. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "_", "-", "@" and ".".
Password is required. It must be between 8 and 25 characters. The password must contain a minimum of 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character. All special characters allowed except "<" and ">".
Wpisz swoje preferowane hasło.

Szczegóły klienta

Please enter the complete company name, including legal type such as Ltd., Inc., SARL, GMBH, etc. Maximum 75 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, "@", "&", "%", "!", "/", "(", ")", "_", "-", ".", ",", ":", "'", "’", """, "|" and space.
However, if your company is based within the European Union you will be required to provide the VAT number, or alternatively be charged 25% VAT. The field can be left empty for now, but completing it will speed up order processing. Maximum 20 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", "-" and space.
Ważna informacja: Firmy zarejestrowane na terenie Unii Europejskiej zobowiązane są podać aktualny numer VAT, w celu uniknięcia obciążenia podatkiem VAT. VAT nie będzie pobierany od firm spoza UE.
Optional information. The company organisation number is often helpful or even required in connection with country specific domain registrations. Maximum 20 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", "-" and space.
Required field. Please enter first name. Maximum 32 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters and "’", "'", "-", "." and space.
Required field. Please enter last name. Maximum 32 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters and "-", ".", "'", "’" and space.
Required field. Please enter address. Maximum 50 characters allowed. If your company has its own postal code, and thus no address, simply repeat the company name in this field. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, "&", "#", "(", ")", ",", ";", ":", "-", ".", "'", "’", "/" and space.
Required fields. Please enter city - Maximum 32 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters, "-", ".", "'", "’" and space. Please enter the postal code - Maximum 12 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-" and space.
Optional information. Maximum 30 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters, numbers and space.
Pole wymagane. Proszę wybrać swoje państwo.
Pole wymagane. Proszę wybrać swoją walutę.
Required field. Must follow valid email format, eg. email@email.com. Maximum 60 characters allowed.
Pole wymagane. Dozwolone tylko cyfry/liczby.
Informacje dodatkowe. Dozwolone tylko numery/liczby.


Optional information. Please enter your message to our support department. Do not use the characters "<", ">".




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* - uzupełnij pola, które są wymagane
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- ochrona spam jest zweryfikowana
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Ubezpieczenia (powrót do strony pre-rejestracji)
czytaj dalej Pre-rejestracja .[TLDName] nowych globalnych domen internetowych TBA
czytaj dalej Prerejestracja
czytaj dalej Prerejestracja

Potrzebujesz więcej informacji?

If you would like more information or have other questions about the domain registration or domains transfer, please don't hesitate to contact us at relations@web-solutions.eu or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971