Domeny Liechtensteinu - wprowadź nazwę domeny, którą chcesz zarejestrować lub wybierz rozszerzenie i kliknij przycisk szukaj

How to register .LI domain name with and/or without physical presence in Liechtenstein

  1. First of all, please visit our .LI TLD designated page and get familiar with Liechtensteinu regulations and current prices.
  2. Enter your desired .LI domain name into the domain search box and press the Search button.

  3. Confirm the .LI domain availability and price.

    *You can click the domain status to once again check the complete domain regulations for Liechtenstein.

  4. Add your .LI domain to the cart by clicking the checkbox and proceed to checkout.

  5. Choose the registration type and specify your DNS to comply with liechtensteinu registry requirements.

    *Remember to set DNS properly before your order is confirmed. Otherwise, Web Solutions` default name servers will be used. You will be able to change them later.

  6. Go to the next step and create new account or sign in to the existing one.

    *Your login information will be sent in a separate e-mail to the address you have entered above.

  7. Choose the payment method, read and accept Terms & Conditions and click the order confirmation button.

    *It is possible to pay either by Credit Card or Wire Transfer.

  8. When the order has been completed, the Support Team will contact you to give you an update on the current registration status of your Liechtensteinu domain.

Potrzebujesz więcej informacji?

Jeśli chciałbyś uzyskać więcej informacji na temat rejestracji domeny w kraju Liechtenstein lub transferu domen, prosimy o kontakt pod adresem lub telefonicznie: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971